



課  題

Reading: In Light of a Monkey Selfie


1. 學生理解文本話題,明确争論雙方的立場及作者觀點。

2. 學生能重點理解文本的觀點表達部分,篩選關鍵信息,找到支撐争論雙方論點的論據,并能評判相關信息,以深入讨論該話題,拓展思維,提升思維能力。

3. 學生能通過分析問題的提出、争論雙方的觀點和作者觀點的呈現方式歸納出議論文的框架結構,能學會文章中觀點類的表達方式,并能結合文本話題,表達自己的觀點,提升相關話題的語言表達能力。

4. 學生能聯系自己生活中遇到的類似問題表達自己的看法,并能找到支撐自己論點的論據,嘗試用課堂所學知識解決實際問題。




Activity 1: Getting involved with the “selfie” topic.

Activity 2: Finding out about the problem. (Paras 1-3)

Activity 3: Discovering the different parties concerning the issue. (Paras 4-7)

Activity 4: Identifying the author’s attitude. (Paras 8-9)

Activity 5: Appreciating the structure and the language.

Activity 6: Assessing the learning outcome.


Reading: In Light of a Monkey Selfie



改編自The New Yorker 201488日刊登的文章:

Wikipedia Defends the Monkey Selfie




一、 教材分析與整體設計思路

所選文本來自于201488The New Yorker刊登的文章 Wikipedia Defends the Monkey Selfie. 文章就動物自拍所引起的版權問題,給出争論雙方的觀點并提供依據,最終闡釋了作者自身看法。作為一篇典型的議論文,該文本脈絡清晰,語言凝練,詞彙表達地道,較适合高二學生閱讀。



1. 從話題層面(梳理信息、知識導向):引入話題,使學生明确文本主題--圖片版權問題。通過獲取細節信息,引入話題相關詞彙及表達,激活學生關于該話題的認知圖式并與本文中的相關表達建立聯系。

2. 從體裁層面(歸納結構、明确目的):通過對文本深入剖析,使學生明确議論文寫作的結構框架。

3. 從語言層面(習得語言、内化輸出):通過對文本語言的賞析,讓學生提煉歸納出本文話題相關的觀點表達。尤其是對作者自身觀點表達的剖析,讓學生了解如何引用事例間接表達自身觀點。

二、 教學目标

1. 學生理解文本話題,明确争論雙方的立場及作者觀點。

2. 學生能重點理解文本的觀點表達部分,篩選關鍵信息,找到支撐争論雙方論點的論據,并能評判相關信息,以深入讨論該話題,拓展思維,提升思維能力。

3. 學生能通過分析問題的提出、争論雙方的觀點和作者觀點的呈現方式歸納出議論文的框架結構,能學會文章中觀點類的表達方式,如my position on this was clearI believe in this case等,并能結合文本話題,表達自己的觀點,提升相關話題的語言表達能力。

4. 學生能聯系自己生活中遇到的類似問題表達自己的看法,并能找到支撐自己論點的論據,嘗試用課堂所學知識解決實際問題。


Activity 1: Getting involved with the “selfie” topic.

With the help of the pictures, talk about “selfies” with the students to warm them up.

[Purpose] Use pictures to lead in the concept of “selfie” to get students interested in the topic. In the meanwhile, motivate students’ relevant cognition.


Activity 2: Finding out about the problem. (Paras 1-3)

Skim the first 3 paragraphs for the topic of the text.

1. Which sentence best describes this picture?

2. How did this picture come into being?

3. What problem has this picture caused?

[Purpose] By doing so, students can have a general understanding of what is mainly talked about in the text.


Activity 3: Discovering the different parties concerning the issue. (Paras 4-7)

For Wikimedia’s position

1. What made the picture return to the spotlight?

2. Why did Wikimedia do so?

3. What is Wikimedia’s opinion based on?

Pair-work: Find out the cases where the person who presses the button isn’t the copyright owner. And explain WHY.

For Slater’s point

1. How did Slater argue on this matter?

2. Why does he think he should own the copyright of the monkey selfie?

3. What is his opinion based on?

[Purpose] With the help of the groups of questions, students will be clear about different opinions concerning the issue and get to understand that supportive points are needed when writing an argumentation. The cases where the person who presses the button isn’t the copyright owner are actually the connection between two different opinions.

The pair-work here is to help students get a deeper understanding of this.


Activity 4: Identifying the author’s attitude. (Paras 8-9)

What’s the author’s attitude towards this matter?

 But if one is to believe his own telling ...

 Slater didn’t ask the monkeys to take the selfies, and finally took the camera away.

 If that seems unfair, think about this.

 If a person left her laptop in a cafe...

[Purpose] Students work in groups to identify the author’s attitude. By doing so, they learn how to express ideas in an indirect way, which in this case is citing an example.



  2. The language of argumentation

Find expressions that are useful in this text for expressing one’s ideas or opinions.

(1) According to ...

(2) In terms of ..., ... says ...

(3) The question that arose here was ...

(4) My position on this was clear: ...

(5) I believe in this case, …

(6) If that seems unfair, think about this.  

(7) If one is to believe ...

[Purpose] Students will be better aware of the structure when organizing an argumentation and use the expressions to express their points, support the ideas or make transitions.


Activity 6: Assessing the learning outcome.

Present students’ own point of view on this issue.

* Which side will you take? Why?

* Use the expressions you find useful in the text when you argue.

Students are encouraged to share their opinions with each other.


* Which side are you on, Wikimedia or Slater? Or do you have a third-party stand? Write a passage on this issue following the structure of argumentation. Try to use some expressions in the passage when you argue.

[Purpose] This is designed to help students consolidate what has been learnt during class, which will help them prepare for retelling the story and their language output, speaking and writing.








